A'Rent is an platform that enables artists to share & rent their art through Ripple's blockchain.

A'Rent is an platform that enables artists to share & rent their art through Ripple's blockchain.

Project Length

6 weeks

Project Length

6 weeks

Our Team

Erica Jani Sanguir

Genesis Jacome

Gelvin Escueta

Iraci Santos - Hansen

Our Team

Erica Jani Sanguir

Genesis Jacome

Gelvin Escueta

Iraci Santos - Hansen

My Role

Conducting user research, testing, wireframing, and prototyping.

My Role

Conducting user research, testing, wireframing, and prototyping.

Empowering artists to share & rent art.

Empowering artists to share & rent art.

About the project

We aimed to figure out how to use blockchain technology to empower artists to create shareable art.

We aimed to figure out how to use blockchain technology to empower artists to create shareable art.

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Read more about project

It was important to really understand the perspectives of artists and our team spent time interviewing and talking with a wide variety of artists.

It was important to really understand the perspectives of artists and our team spent time interviewing and talking with a wide variety of artists.

Talking with artists

Understanding that the project goal involved empowering artists, what better research would there be but to talk to artists from all backgrounds & specialties.

Understanding that the project goal involved empowering artists, what better research would there be but to talk to artists from all backgrounds & specialties.

Insights from artists

Insights from artists

Interestingly enough, these were some of the recurring ideas that we discovered when talking with a variety of artists:

Artists feel intimidated with Web 3.0 technology.

Artists are distrustful of NFTs.

Artists stress the importance of building trust in the art market.

Click to read more details

Click to read more details

How can we differentiate ourselves from the NFT market?

How can we differentiate ourselves from the NFT market?

Many artists voice their concerns that A’Rent will become another market for NFTs. We wanted to really focus on creating a unique approach to using blockchain technology that did not involve holding & selling for profit.

Many artists voice their concerns that A’Rent will become another market for NFTs. We wanted to really focus on creating a unique approach to using blockchain technology that did not involve holding & selling for profit.

Art rental through the blockchain

Our developers worked with Ripple’s developer support team to validate the use of rentable art through the blockchain.

Our developers worked with Ripple’s developer support team to validate the use of rentable art through the blockchain.

What is rentable art?

What is rentable art?

Rentable art are art pieces that can be temporarily shared with users for a fee according to the artist.

Rentable art are art pieces that can be temporarily shared with users for a fee according to the artist.

How can it be used for?

How can it be used for?

Art that can be rented out for digital events (through augmented reality experiences like Meta’s metaverse) or for digital displays (through smart canvas like Canvia).

Art that can be rented out for digital events (through augmented reality experiences like Meta’s metaverse) or for digital displays (through smart canvas like Canvia).

Where will this art be located?

Where will this art be located?

The art will be stored and shared through Ripple’s XRP blockchain.

The art will be stored and shared through Ripple’s XRP blockchain.

Why does it need to be on the blockchain?

Why does it need to be on the blockchain?

Art in a blockchain has a digital certification that ensures its authenticity.

Art in a blockchain has a digital certification that ensures its authenticity.

Art rental through the blockchain

Designing the Platform

Designing the Platform

We started sketching out the initial design

We started sketching out the initial design

Working with our team from Poland, we started sketching the potential prototype of our platforms layout:

Working with our team from Poland, we started sketching the potential prototype of our platforms layout:

Artwork page

Artwork page

Gallery page

Gallery page

Uploading artwork page

Uploading artwork page

Then worked on creating a low fidelity prototype

Then worked on creating a low fidelity prototype

I designed the prototype using Figma based off the sketches our team collaborated on.

I designed the prototype using Figma based off the sketches our team collaborated on.

Artwork page

Artwork page

Artwork Prototype Page

Gallery page

Gallery page

Gallery Prototype page

Uploading artwork page

Uploading artwork page

Upload Prototype page

Our Solution

Our Solution

Reflecting on the project

Reflecting on the project

Learning Points

Learning Points

I enjoyed collaborating with a team. I learned the importance of communicating with a team & the different ways in which designers, developers, and blockchain specialists think & can work together.

I enjoyed collaborating with a team. I learned the importance of communicating with a team & the different ways in which designers, developers, and blockchain specialists think & can work together.

This project was my first introduction to the design industry. As a visual designer, I learned the importance of user research. This led me to learn more about UX Design and build my education on design and research fundamentals.

This project was my first introduction to the design industry. As a visual designer, I learned the importance of user research. This led me to learn more about UX Design and build my education on design and research fundamentals.

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